Language and Literature is an area common to all streams

Language is an important tool to communicate with each other. It’s the foundation of how we build relationships and interact with the world around us. On the other hand Literature allows us to explore different perspectives, emotions, and experiences that we wouldn’t otherwise have access to. It can help us to better understand ourselves and the world around us. These two areas have been a major tool to create a roadmap for a better understanding of art.


1 years common to all streams Main studies at

1st – 2nd Semesters (Foundation)

Critical studies in Bengali
This specific topic helps the students to critically delve into Bengali passages and excerpts to develop their critical understanding.

Critical studies in English
This specific topic helps the students to critically delve into English passages and articles to develop their critical understanding.

Communicative English
The pupils are being imparted knowledge on English vocabulary to help them to improve in their communication skills.

Faculty Members

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Assistant Professor (In-Charge)

History of art streams in Kolkata, India